Renu Aesthetics & Wellness Spa brings page to the Northeast Indiana region two of the most acclaimed aesthetic laser systems. The Aerolase Neo Elite and Aerolase Era Elite lasers offer a comprehensive range of advanced aesthetic treatments, each harnessing the most highly developed technology to address various skin concerns. These lasers prioritize patient experience, providing safe, effective, and comfortable solutions for diverse skin types and tones.
Kathie Lee Loves the NeoSkin Rejuvenation Treatment

Neo Clear – Acne Treatment

Neo Skin – Skin Rjuvenation and Tightening

Aerolase Neo Elite

Rejuvenation and Tightening (NeoSkin)

NeoSkin by Aerolase takes skin renewal to the next level, comprehensively addressing tone, texture, redness, pigmentation, and laxity. The 650-microsecond laser energy achieves natural, youthful glow without the need for numerous treatments.

Complete Skin Rejuvenation

The Neo Elite laser provides a gentle yet powerful approach to complete skin rejuvenation. It effectively targets melanin, hemoglobin, and water in the skin tissue, addressing signs of aging without adverse effects.

Acne Treatment (NeoClear)

NeoClear by Aerolase revolutionizes acne treatment with its advanced laser technology. It addresses excess sebum production, inflammation, and the p. acnes bacteria, offering a safe, effective, and comfortable solution with quick results seen in as little as a single treatment.

Melasma and Hyperpigmentation Treatment (NeoSkin)

NeoSkin by Aerolase tackles melasma with its controlled laser energy, offering a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment. It breaks up melanin deposits, addresses vasculature and inflammation, achieving clearance more efficiently than traditional treatments.

Rosacea, Redness, and Veins Treatment (NeoSkin)

NeoSkin provides a comprehensive solution for rosacea and unwanted skin conditions in a single session. The treatment targets inflammation causing redness, coagulates unwanted veins and broken capillaries, gradually clearing them through the body's natural immune response.

Aerolase Era Elite

Psoriasis Management

Era Elite, offers a breakthrough in Psoriasis management. By suppressing inflammation and coagulating hypervasculature, it offers a safe, effective, and tolerable solution without the need for topical steroids or systemic medications, with quicker treatments and faster rates of clearance.

Nail Fungus Treatment

The Era Elite laser provides a safe, quick, and highly effective treatment for Onychomycosis or nail fungus. With minimal side effects and the ability to resume normal activities immediately after treatment, it offers a superior alternative to traditional therapies.

Hair Removal

The Era Elite laser hair removal ensures a pain-free and gentle solution, achieving optimal results through a series of treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart. Patients report a more pleasant experience compared to other lasers.

PFB (Pseudofolliculitis Barbae) Treatment

Aerolase lasers effectively treat PFB, addressing ingrown hairs, razor bumps, or beard bumps. With a focus on darker skin types, the laser selectively targets melanin, providing relief from this irritating condition.

Common Conditions Treated Include: Wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, brown spots or patches, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone and texture, scars, acne scars, skin tags, and lesions.

Reverse by Aerolase

This revolutionary aesthetic treatment, utilizing both Neo and Era laser devices is designed to turn back the hands of time and rejuvenate your skin with dramatic effectiveness. As a one-of-a-kind procedure, Aerolase Reverse simultaneously stimulates collagen, erases skin imperfections, and produces superior results compared to any other single procedure or combination of therapies.
Non-Invasive Rejuvenation

Aerolase Reverse offers a non-invasive approach to skin rejuvenation, making it an ideal choice for those seeking effective results without the need for surgery or extended downtime.

Versatile Treatment

This innovative solution is versatile, capable of addressing multiple skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation irregularities, and overall skin texture. Whether you're dealing with signs of aging or seeking to enhance your skin's vibrancy, Aerolase Reverse can be tailored to your unique needs.

Gentle and Comfortable

Aerolase Reverse utilizes advanced laser technology that is uniquely gentle, ensuring a comfortable treatment experience. The procedure is designed to minimize discomfort, making it suitable for a wide range of skin types and sensitivities.

Precision Targeting

The laser technology in Aerolase Reverse precisely targets specific areas of concern, promoting collagen production and skin renewal. This precision allows for optimal results with minimal impact on surrounding tissues.

Quick and Convenient

With Aerolase Reverse, you can experience the benefits of skin rejuvenation in a quick and convenient manner. The treatment sessions are typically efficient, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate them into your busy schedule.

Minimal Downtime

Enjoy the perks of skin rejuvenation without significant downtime. Aerolase Reverse is designed to minimize post-treatment recovery, enabling you to return to your daily activities shortly after the session.

Safe for Various Skin Types

Aerolase Reverse is safe and effective for various skin types, offering a personalized approach to address individual skincare needs. This inclusivity ensures that a broad range of individuals can benefit from its transformative effects.

In summary, the Aerolase Neo Elite, Aerolase Era Elite, and these two laser systems paired in combination as Aerolase Reverse, offer a diverse range of aesthetic treatments, providing transformative results while prioritizing patient comfort and safety. With Aerolase, Renu Aesthetics & Wellness Spa represent a state-of-the-art approach to skincare, addressing a wide array of concerns with precision and efficiency.